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You Can Build the Way for the Gospel

God has a masterful plan to build His Kingdom and transform the world. It’s called the Church – the God-designed catalyst for taking the Gospel to the ends of the earth.

Jehovah-Jireh Foundation exists to follow that blueprint by helping build Churches that, in turn, multiply disciples of Jesus around the world.

And it’s friends like you who make it all possible!

Your investment below will help small congregations acquire a permanent Church space so they can shine the light of the Gospel in the communities where God has placed them.

It’s God’s plan to change the world – so thank you for your gift to help build the way for the Gospel!

Ways to Give

Interested in making an impact through a non-cash gift? There are many convenient options:

Church Partnerships

You have a vision for multiplying biblically rooted Churches across the US and around the world. Explore how your congregation can partner with JJF to make that happen!

Legacy Giving

You want to influence generations with the gospel. Consider a planned donation or legacy gift that makes a lasting impact for the cause of Christ.


You’ve been blessed and want to bless others for the glory of the Lord. Give a gift of your securities to help advance the gospel.

Real Estate

Unlock the potential of your property to help fulfill the Great Commission. Explore a real-estate gift today.

Church Partners

The following is a list of Churches that are supporting the Jehovah-Jireh Foundation:

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