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The Information We Collect

We use the information we collect to improve the content of our web page, notify customers about updates to our website, and contact customers for marketing purposes. Where possible, our web server automatically recognizes the domain name of customers who visit our site. Apart from this domain name, we collect only the e-mail addresses of those who communicate with us via e-mail and any information that a customer volunteers (such as survey information and/or site registrations).

Donation Refund Policy

All donations are gifts made voluntarily to Jehovah Jireh Foundation, a 501(c)(3) organization. Donors receive a tax receipt from Jehovah Jireh Foundation s at the time of the donation. Refunds for donations are generally not allowed since donors have received a tax deduction, but are handled on a case by case basis if submitted within 30 days of the gift. Please reach out via the contact form with questions or concerns.

Email Addresses

You may receive periodic e-mail notifications from us about ministry updates or special fundraising campaigns. If you prefer not to receive e-mail from us, please unsubscribe.

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